CoachHub presenta su programa de coaching ejecutivo CoachHub Executive™

The global category leader and pioneer in digital coaching has assembled an all-star coach roster to further deliver executive coaching services

New York, NY, February 21, 2023 – CoachHub, the leading global digital coaching platform, announces its CoachHub Executive™ program, which includes a new cohort of executive coaches. CoachHub Executive™ coaches represent more than 35 countries, speak over 40 languages and have experience coaching executives at some of the world’s most renowned companies.

“Coaching a top-level executive is very unique, very specific,” says Matti Niebelschuetz, co-founder of CoachHub. “Executives deal with complex decisions that impact the work of their employees. They need unbiased, independent feedback, which only an executive coach who has experienced that feeling before can provide. Business success increasingly depends on skills such as strategic thinking, innovation and emotional intelligence. The new roster of coaches on the CoachHub Executive™ offer brings the necessary experience to activate personal and professional growth at this high level.”

Each CoachHub Executive™ coach is trained in CoachHub’s science-backed, exclusive methodology and has proven business acumen, excellent communication skills and an outstanding EQ.

CoachHub Executive™ coaches’ requirements include:

  • More than 10 years of corporate leadership experience as a senior leader for a multinational company
  • A background in executive coaching with verified references from at least three executive clients from Fortune 1000 companies
  • Certification from a leading coaching association with a minimum of 500 training hours (typically over 1,500 hours)
  • Experience with recognized coaching assessments (e.g., Hogan HDS, EQi2.0).

Through digital coaching, organizations can reap many benefits, including increased employee engagement, higher levels of productivity, improved job performance and increased retention. The transformational power of coaching equips executives with the tools they need to unlock potential and make a lasting impact on their organizations.

“It is our strong belief that future-proof organizations require leaders who inspire, empower and who know that the deeper knowledge is not with themselves, but with their people,” said Claus Keller, General Manager HR People & Innovation, Toyota Germany. “CoachHub Executive™ allows our leaders to grow their self-reflection, change of perspective and feedback capability, which we see as essential traits to fill their required role.”

For more information about CoachHub Executive™, please visit

About CoachHub

CoachHub is the leading global talent development platform that enables organizations to create a personalized, measurable and scalable coaching program for the entire workforce, regardless of department and seniority level. By doing so, organizations are able to reap a multitude of benefits, including increased employee engagement, higher levels of productivity, improved job performance and increased retention. CoachHub’s global pool of coaches is comprised of over 3,500 certified business coaches in 90 countries across six continents with coaching sessions available in over 60 languages, to serve more than 500 clients. Our programs are based on advanced R&D from our Coaching Lab, led by Prof. Jonathan Passmore and our Science Council. CoachHub is backed by leading tech investors, including Sofina, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Molten Ventures, Speedinvest, HV Capital, Partech and Silicon Valley Bank/SVB Capital. In September 2021, CoachHub acquired French digital coaching pioneer MoovOne to build a global champion focused on jointly democratizing coaching. CoachHub is committed to creating a greener future and is a certified carbon neutral company since 2022.

Una plataforma líder global en coaching digital

CoachHub es una plataforma global líder en el desarrollo del talento que permite a las organizaciones crear programas de coaching personalizados, medibles y escalables para toda la plantilla, independientemente del departamento y del nivel de antigüedad. Al hacerlo, las organizaciones pueden obtener una multitud de beneficios, incluyendo un mayor compromiso de los empleados, mayores niveles de productividad, un mejor rendimiento en el trabajo y una mayor retención. El grupo global de coaches de CoachHub está compuesto por más de 3.500 coaches empresariales certificados en 90 países de seis continentes, con sesiones de coaching disponibles en más de 80 idiomas. Con más de 1.000 clientes en todo el mundo, los innovadores programas de coaching de CoachHub se basan en la investigación y el desarrollo científico patentado de su Innovation Lab. CoachHub cuenta con el respaldo de inversores tecnológicos de referencia, como Sofina, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Molten Ventures, Speedinvest, HV Capital, Partech y Silicon Valley Bank/SVB Capital. CoachHub se compromete a crear un futuro más ecológico.CoachHub obtuvo la certificación de empresa neutra en emisiones de carbono y continua midiendo y reduciendo sus emisiones, aplicando constantemente estrategias para minimizar su impacto ambiental.

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