CoachHub supports Lacoste in the development of the collective intelligence!

With more than 1,200 stores and 10,000 employees in four continents, Lacoste is a unique brand of casual luxury embodying French elegance. Lacoste products and employees make clients live a unique experience regardless of the distribution network, physical or digital, everywhere in the world.

The challenge

Lacoste’s goal was to enable top managers and international leaders to learn from each other, share best practices and create long-lasting relationships.

Two main reasons guided the launch of the partnership with CoachHub. First, the desire to create more consistency between cultural and managerial practices within the group and in all countries. Secondly, the deep conviction that collective intelligence is a strong lever for advancing employees.

The result

The initiative was first launched with HR managers, located around the world. They met their coaches monthly for six months through videoconferences. They discussed common issues and shared best practices. Today, they are prescribers of the solution in other Business Units (sales, marketing …)

With CoachHub’s program, participants were able to change their individual behaviors, learn from their peers and create lasting professional communities. They developed their sense of belonging and broke silos.

Key Figures


of participants are very satisfied with the approach


of participants were very satisfied with the insight of their peers relating to their own stakes

“This digital solution gave me the opportunity to interact with my peers in different countries.

We share common challenges and best practices, all the while getting better at active listening.”

Calypso de Frondeville
HR Manager

Discover our other testimonials!

Di CoachHub
30 July 2021

Caso di studio: Blue Tomato

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Fornitore globale di coaching digitale

CoachHub è una piattaforma globale di sviluppo dei talenti che consente alle organizzazioni di creare un programma di coaching personalizzato, misurabile e scalabile per tutti i dipendenti, indipendentemente dal reparto e dal livello di anzianità. In tal modo, le organizzazioni possono ottenere una moltitudine di vantaggi, tra cui un maggiore coinvolgimento dei dipendenti, livelli più elevati di produttività, migliori prestazioni lavorative e una maggiore fidelizzazione. Il pool globale di coach di CoachHub è composto da oltre 3.500 business coach certificati in 90 paesi in sei continenti, con sessioni di coaching disponibili in più di 80 lingue. Al servizio di oltre 1.000 clienti in tutto il mondo, gli innovativi programmi di coaching di CoachHub si basano su ricerche scientifiche e sviluppo del nostro Innovation Lab. CoachHub è supportato da importanti investitori in campo tecnologico come Sofina, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Molten Ventures, Speedinvest, HV Capital, Partech e Silicon Valley Bank/SVB Capital. CoachHub era certificata come azienda a zero emissioni di anidride carbonica e ad oggi misura, riduce e implementa costantemente strategie per ridurre al minimo il proprio impatto ambientale.

Uffici nel mondo

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