Chloé rolls out CoachHub’s digital coaching solution to create a learning culture

French luxury fashion house founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion. The house counts over 1,200 employees and is part of the luxury brands holding company Richemont Group. It has offices in New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai and Dubai, and its headquarters are located in Paris.

The challenge

Chloé was facing a typical Learning & Development issue. They wanted to boost their teams’ performance, however short training modules were not sufficient to enable lasting change. They needed a solution that was deeply rooted in the way people are working today and that was in line with their L&D strategy. They turned to CoachHub in order to create a custom-made experience for the learners of the company.

The result

CoachHub’s digital executive coaching solution was first rolled out at Chloé in May 2019 for a “Performance Development” program. The goal was to address managerial issues in many departments (Ready-to-Wear, Accessories, Human Resources, and even Supply Chain). The areas of development were related to management, career development, self-confidence and communication, stress management and work-life balance.

Before starting their coaching, participants discussed their areas of development with their line managers and chose their coach based on presentation videos and texts. They followed their coaching sessions via CoachHub’s digital platform and assessed their progress at the end of the coaching through a dedicated questionnaire.

All participants were able to create a deep connection with their coach and felt very at ease discussing various subjects that impacted their professional lives, such as management, vision and work-life balance. The coaches went beyond theoretical learnings, and helped beneficiaries create new tools and techniques to ensure the sustainability of new learnings.

Key Figures


of participants are highly satisfied with their coaching


of participants recommend the approach


of participants appreciate their relationship with their coach

“The next step for Chloé and CoachHub is to have this as one of the core training offers of Chloé’s training catalogue.

We want everyone within the organization to have access to this kind of personalized approach to Learning and Development.”

Jules Robert-Le Hérissé
Head of International HR Development

Discover our other testimonials!

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30 July 2021

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23 June 2022

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Fornitore globale di coaching digitale

CoachHub è una piattaforma globale di sviluppo dei talenti che consente alle organizzazioni di creare un programma di coaching personalizzato, misurabile e scalabile per tutti i dipendenti, indipendentemente dal reparto e dal livello di anzianità. In tal modo, le organizzazioni possono ottenere una moltitudine di vantaggi, tra cui un maggiore coinvolgimento dei dipendenti, livelli più elevati di produttività, migliori prestazioni lavorative e una maggiore fidelizzazione. Il pool globale di coach di CoachHub è composto da oltre 3.500 business coach certificati in 90 paesi in sei continenti, con sessioni di coaching disponibili in più di 80 lingue. Al servizio di oltre 1.000 clienti in tutto il mondo, gli innovativi programmi di coaching di CoachHub si basano su ricerche scientifiche e sviluppo del nostro Innovation Lab. CoachHub è supportato da importanti investitori in campo tecnologico come Sofina, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Molten Ventures, Speedinvest, HV Capital, Partech e Silicon Valley Bank/SVB Capital. CoachHub era certificata come azienda a zero emissioni di anidride carbonica e ad oggi misura, riduce e implementa costantemente strategie per ridurre al minimo il proprio impatto ambientale.

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