Talent and Workforce Transformation

CoachHub · 6 October 2022 · 5 min read

As organisations are becoming more aware of the need to mitigate the wave of resignation, talent transformation has been recognized as a necessary approach to employee workplace satisfaction and retention.

It is believed that talent development and great workplace culture are important to helping employees fulfil their career potential in sync with the vision of the organisation.

Organisations that are paying less attention to employee satisfaction are likely to face more difficulty in employee retention than others.

Critical Factors to Consider for Talent Transformation

What are the important factors organizations must consider if they must ensure the long-term retention of their employees?

As the realities of mass resignation loom across various organizations, they must begin to assess their priorities.

Some of these factors include:

1. Access to learning and development opportunities:

Ensuring that strategies are put in place to provide employees access to learning and development opportunities can help significantly improve their job satisfaction.

Ideally, it can help to ramp up the self-worth of each employee and instill a feeling of belonging in the organization’s processes. This move could cause a ripple effect beyond organizational growth to impact the nation’s economic potential.

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2. Sustainable skill development and transfer in leadership:

Since long-term retention is a major concern for many organizations, ensuring that employees feel satisfied on the job becomes critical for continuous organizational growth.

Organizational leaders must be able to spot fresh talents and contribute to their career and organizational growth. This is because a lack of these is likely to make a potential talent feel dissatisfied and also consider resignation after a short while. It could happen because they are unsure of how the job contributes to their overall personal and career development.

What this means is that organizations can look forward to more sustainable leadership across all levels and the transfer of skills that are important to ensure organizational growth on the job.

3. Hybrid working environment:

The flexibility of work is another aspect that organizations may need to consider. Rigid work structures are often some of the reasons why employees feel restricted on the job and want to leave.

However, thanks to hybrid working arrangements employees can look forward to more time at work and enjoy the flexibility of working from home. Additionally, productivity of work also increases significantly when remote coaching is included in the overall work experience.

According to a study, 64% of employees in a ASEAN survey experienced increased productivity in a hybrid work setting. Also, another 65% experienced improved quality of work (Cisco Global Hybrid Work Study).

4. Employee well-being:

Another critical aspect of employee retention is a stable work environment that improves or contributes to an employee’s overall mental well-being. When employees are constantly under stress and anxiety at work, the level of productivity diminishes, and they are likely to feel dissatisfied enough to quit in the long run.

The situation doesn’t help the organizations themselves. As much as 50% of work hours are often lost due to stress on the job (CIPD). If the work environment is toxic these statistics are unavoidable. Evidence has shown that investing in coaching is pivotal for any organization. The coaching framework helps to expose both employers and employees to ethical working standards that contribute to sustainable work culture.

With this in place, employees can gain valuable skills in emotional intelligence that allows them to disconnect their sense of self-identity from stressful work situations.

On a larger scale, they’re able to maintain a positive outlook on the job and stay positively connected to the organization. Once this effect can be multiplied across employees in the organization, there’s a sense of interconnectedness across teams. It goes on to reinforce an assurance of value in each employee and boosts their confidence to get more work done.

5. Personalized and holistic coaching approach:

Another critical aspect of talent transformation from digital coaching is that employees should be able to work hand-in-hand with coaches at their own pace until they understand and master the focus area.

Basically, bringing on coaches to an organizational setting to offer personalized approaches in dealing with various subjects for employees is generally accepted as the way forward. However, not much is being done to integrate coaching into talent development.

The high rate of employee disengagement from work is scary. A study reveals that only 34% of employees are actively engaged at work while 66% are actively disengaged from the organizations (State of the Global Workspace Study, 2017).

A holistic coaching experience can help an organization to actively deal with low levels of employee engagement as their sense of fulfillment increases.

6. Leadership and capacity building for a multi-generational workforce:

When organizations harness the possibilities in digital coaching, employees can benefit from sessions in a way that’s personalized to suit their needs. This helps to develop a sense of self-worth and responsibilities in middle management that makes it easy for everyone to commit to growth, rather than feel left out and frustrated.

Talent transformation goes beyond coaching just for the sake of the job, rather it should encompass all aspects of the employee’s life. Once organizations incorporate this approach, employees are likely to feel more confident about the work, have a greater sense of fulfillment, and are likely to stay longer on the job.

More focus has been placed on executive employees than mid-level employees. However, it is important to understand that a multi-level coaching experience is important to ensure sustainable leadership in organizations.

In the long run, the organization can benefit from a sustainable pool of employees who have been coached in various capacities to take on leadership skills and ensure there are no skill gaps unlike when executives are the only ones undergoing the coaching.

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Final Words…

Organizations looking to ensure long-term employee engagement and job satisfaction have higher chances of achieving this when they pay attention to employee development.

They must go beyond training for the workplace to harness the power of digital coaching and provide a holistic approach to employee development and talent transformation rather than focusing on only work-related areas.

It’s also important to understand that investment made into coaching and developing the workforce will contribute a significant ROI and help to reach organizational goals faster.

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CoachHub is the leading global talent development platform that enables organisations to create personalised, measurable and scalable coaching programmes for the entire workforce, regardless of department and seniority level. By doing so, organisations are able to reap a multitude of benefits, including increased employee engagement, higher levels of productivity, improved job performance and increased retention. CoachHub’s global pool of coaches is comprised of over 3,500 certified business coaches in 90 countries across six continents with coaching sessions available in over 80 languages. Serving more than 1,000 clients worldwide, CoachHub’s innovative coaching programs are based on proprietary scientific research and development from its Innovation Lab. CoachHub is backed by leading tech investors, including Sofina, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Molten Ventures, Speedinvest, HV Capital, Partech and Silicon Valley Bank/SVB Capital. CoachHub was certified as a carbon-neutral company and consistently measures, reduces, and implements strategies to minimise its environmental impact.

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