What is Digital Learning?

CoachHub · 18 November 2021 · 4 min read

Digital learning is a real underlying trend around the world. And for good reason, the different educational contents offered in digital learning makes it possible to train learners regularly and quickly while benefiting from personalized support. Indeed, contrary to what one might think, learners are not on their own. Coaches and trainers are readily available to help them improve their skills.

Digital transformation has not escaped the online training sector. In fact, distance training systems have even started to change for several years now. Thus, digital tools now occupy an essential place in the professional development of learners. These new digital tools make it possible to acquire new skills while fully meeting the expectations of learners.

This learning process then encompasses all e-learning training. Digitized corporate university, blended learning, mobile learning, gamification, microlearning, social learning, MOOC etc. So many types of digital learning and educational formats are gradually entering the daily lives of communities of learners. At the same time, the trainer and the coach had to learn to master these technological innovations and adapt their training programs accordingly.

Advantages and disadvantages of digital learning

Digital learning has many advantages for training organizations wishing to promote the development of the skills and career mobility of their high potential employees. The first advantage is undoubtedly the reduction in corporate training costs and the improvement in profitability. Indeed, the marginal cost of digital services is almost zero, unlike traditional face-to-face training. Say goodbye to classroom travel and rental costs!

The second advantage, and not the least: accessibility to innovative training. Digital learning democratizes the act of training by making it accessible to a wide audience. From anywhere, anytime and from any medium (phone, tablet or computer).

In addition, the interactivity and gamification of online training, via quizzes and games, allow the development of skills in a fun way. Thus, interactive interfaces and quizzes motivate the learner to take training and give pleasure in the learning experience.

Finally, learners are completely autonomous in the training course. This makes it possible to make them responsible while leaving a certain very appreciable freedom.

Speaking of autonomy in monitoring learners, this can also be seen as a disadvantage. Indeed, the learner can sometimes be tempted to procrastinate and lose motivation without an imposed framework.

In addition, developing digital learning involves setting up a virtual learning platform. And unfortunately, not all companies are sufficiently equipped for this.

Digital learning and professional training, the winning combo

These innovations significantly improve the user experience of the distance learning community. And for good reason, taking a distance course from a mobile, tablet or any device is a real plus:

– Accessibility and flexibility

– Personalization of the digital training offer according to training needs

– Saving time and money

43% of companies say they have used digital technology to save money on their training budget. 40%, for their part, were motivated by the modernization that mobile learning brings to their training plan.

While 58% of companies are turning to mixed training combining distance and face-to-face training (like blended learning), only 7% of companies have opted for all digital. However, this proportion is growing every year. Whether it ever becomes a majority is only one step away.

Unsurprisingly, it is companies with more than 500 employees who are pioneers in virtual training. Three-quarters of them have adopted innovative digital training.

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Digital coaching, a pillar of professional development

With the digitalization of learning, thinking of the internal training offered only through the prism of the face-to-face is neither a current trend nor a bet for the future. So, what educational solution should you choose for developing talent and career mobility?

Digital coaching is ideal for helping learners identify areas for improvement and guide them towards fully achieving their educational goals. Thus, the employee can refer to their coach during times of doubt to continue progress. The topic of discussion can then be stress management, organizing your schedule, non-violent communication, etc. The time-lapse between theory and practice is also very short.

The future of digital learning

Professional training in the context of talent management is clearly taking a digital turn. This has the effect of losing ground in the face-to-face. But this has not been abandoned, as evidenced by the strong trend of blended learning, experiential learning that combines face-to-face and distance learning. And companies have already committed to all digital with the implementation of virtual classes and e-learning training platforms as part of their training project. Indeed, these pioneers realized that they could have access to an offer equivalent to face-to-face, both in terms of diversity and quality, while responding to changes in the market. Are you ready to design e-learning training modules in the age of digital transformation?

At CoachHub, our educational solutions for managers and leaders are fully digital, allowing the learner to follow the coaching when and where they want. Our interactive training platform thus has a messaging space, technical support and a videoconferencing offer to accompany you throughout the course. A kind of remote presence to enhance learning experiences. To discover our training program and our teaching methods, why not take a tour of our website?

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Global digital coaching provider

CoachHub is a leading global talent development platform that enables organisations to create personalised, measurable and scalable coaching programmes for the entire workforce, regardless of department and seniority level. By doing so, organisations are able to reap a multitude of benefits, including increased employee engagement, higher levels of productivity, improved job performance and increased retention. CoachHub’s global pool of coaches is comprised of over 3,500 certified business coaches in 90 countries across six continents with coaching sessions available in over 80 languages. Serving more than 1,000 clients worldwide, CoachHub’s innovative coaching programs are based on proprietary scientific research and development from its Innovation Lab. CoachHub is backed by leading tech investors, including Sofina, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Molten Ventures, Speedinvest, HV Capital, Partech and Silicon Valley Bank/SVB Capital. CoachHub was certified as a carbon-neutral company and consistently measures, reduces, and implements strategies to minimise its environmental impact.

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